Creating a free listing in Safe Ag Systems Contractor Directory and connecting to a client

You may want to create a free listing in Safe Ag Systems Contractor Directory to advertise your business and access client safety information prior to starting work.

Once connected to a client, you will be able to:

  • Complete inductions 
  • Access Emergency Management Plans 
  • Access Hazard Maps
  • View Company Policies and Safe Work Procedures
  • Complete inventory maintenance records (via QR code scanning only)
  • Conduct inspections using the App

Create your free listing from the desktop, access your clients Safe Ag Systems through the Mobile App.

  1. Create a free listing in Safe Ag Systems
    1. You will receive an email invitation to setup a free account with Safe Ag Systems.

    2. Click the button Lets get Started!
    3. A form will open, enter your Company Details and click Next.

    1. Tick Show my business in the Safe Ag Systems Contractor Directory and click Register.

  1. You will receive an email.

    1. Click Activate Registration Now and enter the provided username and password into the login window.
    2. Update your password.
    3. Enter your Business Details. 
      Follow this tutorial to learn how to add your Business Details.
    4. Add your workers.
      Follow this tutorial to learn how to add workers.
  2. Connect with a client.
    1. Clients will send an email request to connect with you.
    2. Click Yes, please connect.
    3. You will now have access to this clients Safe Ag System.

If you do not wish to list your business in the Safe Ag Systems Contractor Directory alert your client and ask to be setup without the listing.