Managing Business Details

Information entered in the Business Details section populates your system including key contacts and document headers.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

This can only be done on Desktop.

  1. From the left menu, select Business > Business Details and navigate to the Primary tab.
  2. Enter the required key primary business details.
    1. Primary Entity Name
    2. Email
    3. Telephone
    4. Postal Address
    5. Country
    6. Post Code
    7. Suburb / Town
    8. State
    9. Entity Type
    10. ABN
    11. Website
  3. Once updated click Save Business Details.
  4. Scroll down to Business Contacts and enter your key contacts.
    Note: If additional contact fields are required click add a contact field.
  5. Click Save Business Contacts.

Address, email and ABN details added in this section will be displayed on the header for policies, inductions and reports. This email will also be the primary email for receiving Safe Ag System invoices and payment receipts.

What's Next?

Adding a Company Logo