Adding Tasks

Maintaining a list of tasks keeps you on track and ensures everyone knows what they are meant to be doing. Less down time and more productivity! Now that's a good thing.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

For App use, see Adding Tasks (App).

  1. To add a task:
    1. Click Add Task in the top menu, or


    2. From the Dashboard Incomplete Tasks section select more options 3-dot-png-1 Add new task, or


    3. Navigate to Safety Manager > Task Manager and click Add New

      Task Manager - Existing Tasks
  2. Complete details of What Title and Task description.
  3. Assignee(s) - tasks can be assigned to:
    1. An individual worker.
    2. Anyone - this effectively puts tasks in a bucket where anyone can pick them up and action them.
    3. To a group or multiple workers for any one of the assignees to complete.
    4. To a group or multiple workers to complete where all of the assignees must complete the task. To assign the task for multiple workers to complete tick the create a separate task per person checkbox.
    5. Unassigned (default)
  4. (Optional) Position. This marks the location on the map where the task is located
  5. (Optional) Upload image(s) related to the task by dragging and dropping files from your computer into the image window, or click browse and select the image you wish to upload.
  6. Complete additional fields as required:
    1. Type, date and priority - click the arrow on the right of the form to expand the fields.
      • Type
        1. General - all general tasks (default)
        2. Corrective Action - tasks required to resolve an issue identified during an inspection
      • Priority - Low, Medium (default) or High
      • Due Date (default tomorrow)
      • Are there risks associated?  (default: No)
        Yes / No - if Yes workers are alerted to ensure they feel competent to undertake the task and to follow safe work procedures.

        Are there risks associated?

    2. Documents and links - click arrow on right of the form to expand fields.
        1. Safe Ag Systems documents -  a maximum of three (3) policies, procedures or checklists can be attached. Use the drop down menus to select your desired document.
        2. Add external links - maximum of three (3) links - eg. Youtube video, website, etc. Label the link in the Display text field and click Add.
        3. Attach file(s). Drag and drop files from your computer into the file window, or click browse and select the file you wish to upload.
  7. Click Save

Notification: When a task is assigned to a user, a notification will be sent via the bell icon-bell-badge 

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