Actioning Tasks

Tasks are items requiring action by one or multiple individuals. This article explains how you action tasks on the Desktop.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

For App use, see Actioning Tasks (App). 

Tasks may be actioned by

  1. Editing task details, or
  2. Adding a comment to a task, or
  3. Updating Status
  4. Changing Completion Date

Editing Task Details

Note: A Task's Status cannot be updated unless the task is Assigned to the user.

  1. From the left menu, navigate to Safety Manager > Task Manager
  2. To open
    • Click on the task title and Edit in the top right corner, or
    • Select more options ••• Edittask-edit
  3. Edit fields as required
  4. Assign the task using the dropdown
  5. Click Save.

Adding a comment

Note: Add comments to record progress on a task.

Tasks must be assigned to be actioned. To assign Edit and update the Assignee(s) field.

    1. From the left menu, navigate to Safety Manager > Task Manager
    2. Click on the task title to open
    3. Type  comments in the Add a comment field.
    4. Click Submit to add the comment
    5. Click Attach to attach a file 
Updating Status

Notification: When the Status of a Task is changed, the task creator and assignees (excluding the person who edited the task) will receive a notification via the bell icon.

    1. From the left menu, navigate to Safety Manager > Task Manager
    2. Click on the task title to open
    3. Use the Status dropdown to update the status.

To action a task menu  

Changing Completed Date

  1. From the left menu, navigate to Safety Manager > Task Manager
  2. To open
    • Click on the task title and Edit in the top right corner, or
    • Select more options ••• View
  3. From the task view select more options ••• Edit date completed
  4. Update the New date completed and Time.
  5. Click Save.


What's Next?

Adding Tasks