Completing Scheduled Training

Scheduled Training is a way to have a record of upcoming training for your staff. This guide will show how to mark the record as complete.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

This feature is only accessible to Professional and Corporate Subscribers, and can only be done on Desktop.

Before you start

Marking Scheduled Training as Complete

  1. From the left menu, select People > Training Register. 
  2. Filter the records by selecting Scheduled from the Status Filter. 
    1. The Status filter may be in More Filters on some browsers. 
  3. Records can be updated individually, or if multiple staff attended the same training, can be done in bulk. 
    1. Individual Record Update: Click more options icon-3dot then select Complete.
    2. Multiple Records Update: Select the grey box, beside the type column, for the records needing updating. Select Complete from the Bulk Action dropdown, then click Apply. Only use this option if the training/expiry dates are the same.  
  4. Add in any details in the Complete Training window and click Save. The record will be updated from Scheduled to Complete.