Notifications are triggered to flag actions requiring attention. These are specific to each user and can be accessed from the bell icon on the App. It is important to check that all notification settings are turned ON for the App.
App Notifications
- Push notifications - appear on the lock screen of the phone or appear as a banner.
- Notifications - a list of notifications is accessed via the bell in top right corner of the App.
Note: Archived notifications cannot be accessed on the App.
- Tap the bell to view notifications. The default display shows all read and unread notifications generated in the previous 30 days. Archived notifications are not displayed.
- Tap more options or long press on a notification to Archive or Mark as Read.
- Archive - will remove the notification from the list. Once archived, it can only be viewed from the Desktop.
- Mark as read - will keep the notification in the bell list; it can be seen as read for up to 30 days.
- Tap Show Unread Only or Show All to toggle your view at the top of the screen.
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