Identifying Who's at Work

The At Work function enables employers to be notified when workers arrive and leave work safely, and to locate them quickly in an Emergency.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

Who's at Work is only available on the App.

This feature is not available on Standard subscriptions.

Before you start

Note: A user's location is updated

To see who's At Work:

  1. Navigate to Business > Locations
  2. Select the Location where your workers are located to view the map.
  3. In the bottom left of the map click Layer
  4. Tick the People layer On.
  5. Users set to At Work will display on the map.
  6. Click the Show Labels button in the top right corner of the map to show worker names.
    They will be displayed on the map as an orange icon, while other users will be displayed as regular icons.

What's Next?

Setting Yourself At Work/Not At Work (App)

Identifying Who's at Work (App)