Setting yourself At Work/Not at Work (App)

Let your manager know that you have safely arrived at work or left for the day.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

To use this feature, the device must have Location Permissions turned on for the Safe Ag Systems App.

If Location is not shared, a red location symbol will be shown in the At Work tab.

The location is updated each time, a user logs in to the App only when marked At Work.


The indicators next to the At Work icon in the bottom navigation panel will show if you are marked as icon-atwork At Work or icon-notatworkNot At Work.

  1. To change your status, tap the At Work icon.

  2. Tap the toggle to change your status. The text will read I am At Work or I am Not At Work.

  3. When your status is updated, a notification will be triggered. Managing Notifications explains how to set who receives these notifications.

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Who's at Work?

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