1. Knowledge Base
  2. Safety Manager
  3. Near Miss and Incident Reporting

Near Miss and Incidents Overview

Reporting Near Miss and Incidents through the Safe Ag Systems App makes it easy to capture information around an event quickly and easily.

Near Miss

A near miss is when something happens that did not result in an injury, illness, or damage but had the potential to do so.

Reporting near misses is a very important step to enable businesses to develop processes and procedures to determine how to prevent a near miss from happening in the future or turning serious with an incident or fatality.


An incident is when something happens that did result in an injury, illness or damage.

Reporting incidents is also important to enable businesses to identify how it occurred and to develop processes and procedures to prevent the incident from happening again or turning more serious.

Near Miss and Incident Reports can be commenced from this tab on the desktop using the Add New button or from the Report symbol at the bottom of the App. The complete report of the investigation must be done on the desktop from this tab.

Completing a Near Miss & Incident Report

Starting a Near Miss and Incident Report on the App