Adding Health Records

Health Records allow you to document important information about a worker's medical condition in their user tile. In case of an emergency, the Health Action Plan can be made available to other users.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

This can only be done on Desktop.

Adding a Health Record

  1. From the left menu, select People > Manage People.
  2. Find the user's tile and click more options 3-dot-png-1, then select Edit.
  3. Navigate to the Personnel Records tab, click Add Record and select Health Record from the dropdown list. 
  4. Enter the health record details.
    1. Name of condition / illness will be the record's title. 
    2. Description of associated symptoms, cause or associated triggers, or the preventative action can be seen by a Business Administrator. A Supervisor can see these details for Workers and Contractors only.  
    3. A Business Administrator can see all uploaded documents. A Supervisor can see them for Workers and Contractors only.  
    4. A Health Action Plan can be created for the user for use in an emergency. Select the "Allow action plan to be viewed by everyone" option to enable the plan to be available in the App.
      If not ticked, only a Business Administrator will see the Health Action Plans in the App. For more details, see Accessing a Health Action Plan (App)

What's Next?

Adding Personnel Records

Adding Training Records

Assign an Induction