Running Document Reports

Document use generates logs (policy and procedure acceptance, checklists run) which can be reviewed via the reporting tab. Documents not accepted can also be reviewed.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

Reporting is only available on Desktop.

The Reporting tab is not available on Standard Subscriptions.

When a Document is used, it generates a record. This is Policy and Procedure Acceptance and Checklists Run and Completed. Reports can be run showing these logs as well as Documents not Accepted or Used.  

  1. From the left menu, select Administration > Reporting > Documents.
  2. Select the report required:

  3. Use Filters to customise your report.

  4. Click Export as CSV/ Excel/PDF

Acceptance Logs and Checklist logs can also be viewed from:

  • Procedures and Checklists performed for Inventory: Inventory > Machinery & Equipment/Structures/Tools/Chemicals,  click the Inventory item to open and select Checklist Logs or Procedure Logs tab.

  • Individual users logs: People > Manage People, click the user title to open and navigate to the Checklist Logs or Acceptance Logs tab.

    Acceptance Logs
  • All Policy, Procedure and Checklist logs: Documents > Policies/Procedures/ Checklists and navigate to the Policy Logs, Procedure Logs or Checklist Logs tab.

What's Next?

Viewing Policy Logs (App)

Viewing Procedure Logs (App)

Viewing Checklist Logs (App)