Building Inductions

Inductions are a great way of introducing the rules and expectations of the business. An Induction can then be assigned to staff or visitors to complete. They can be built from scratch or using a template.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

Building an Induction can only be done on Desktop. 

Inductions are a group of statements that are assigned to staff and visitors to complete. Every statement should be easy to understand, and explain a farm rule or expectation. A statement needs to be marked as 'Agree' or 'Disagree' by the Inductee. 

Inductee - Person completing the Induction.

Inductor - Person signing off the Induction.

Creating an Induction

Creating an Induction from a Template

Creating an Induction 

  1. From the left menu, select Documents > Inductions. Click Create My Own.
  2. Enter the Induction's Name. Click Save.
  3. Add a Category and Statement.
    1. Category - groups similar statements together on the App and helps the Inductee know what the statement is about.
      • Examples: Work Health and Safety.   
    2. Statement - the rule or expectation the Inductee agrees to. It should start with "I ..."
      • Example - I know who my manager is and that if I have any questions about work health and safety, I can speak to that person. If that person is not available, I know who I can contact as an alternative.

  4. Click + Add new statement
  5. When all required statements have been created, click Save.

Formatting Options

Add a Link
Click the link icon for the statement. Paste the URL and add a description. Click Save.    

Add a Policy
Click the policy icon for the statement. Select a policy. Click Save.
Only signed off policies will be available.

Add an Image
Click the image icon for the statement. Click Choose File and upload the image. Click Save.

Once a Link, Policy or Image is added, the icon will appear blue.

Deleting a Statement
Click the Trash Can in the applicable statement. Click OK to confirm.

Moving a Statement
Click the Drag and Drop 3 dot menubutton or use the up/down arrows.

Creating an Induction using a Template

  1. From the left menu, select Documents > Induction Builder > Copy From Template.
    If the template is from a Management Portal, select Documents > Induction Builder > Company Templates.
  2. Click View to review the content.
  3. To use a template, click the grey box. Multiple inductions can be selected.
  4. Click Copy Template.


  5. If needed, rename the Induction and click Save. The template is now located in Create or Edit.

Note: A Template's relevance is based on the Commodities listed in Business Details.


What's Next?

Editing Inductions

Duplicating Inductions

Printing Induction QR Codes 

Printing Inductions

Assigning an Induction

Running Inductions Overview

Assigning Inductions (App)