How to check the status of an Induction

This tutorial will show you how to check the current status of an assigned or visitor induction via both the Desktop and App.

Before you start

Checking Induction Status on Desktop

Checking Induction Status on Mobile App

NOTE:  Availability of features may vary based on user Access Level.

On Desktop

  1. From the left menu, select People > Start Induction and navigate to Existing Inductions.

  2. The status of an induction can be found on the Status column.

    The six progress status stages for inductions are as listed below:

    • Not Started
    • In Progress – You can check the progress of the induction by clicking View.
    • In Progress with Disagreement – You can check which statements the inductee has disagreed with by clicking on the induction to view further information.
    • Submitted, awaiting inductee signature
    • Signed by inductee, awaiting inductor signature – If you are the inductor of the induction you can click Sign Off to complete the induction.
      Note - Only the assigned inductor can sign off to complete an induction.
    • Complete

  3. To view an induction click on the Induction heading under Type.

On App

A Business Administrator and Supervisor can check the status of inductions assigned to users via the App. 

Please note that the status of visitor inductions can only be checked via the desktop.

  1. From the main menu, select People and then select the applicable user, and select View Inductions.
  2. To view an induction in detail tap the applicable induction.