Documents In The Management Portal

In the Documents section of the Management Portal (MP) you can store your master templates. Inductions, Checklists, Policies, Procedures, and Audits can then be shared to an individual, multiple or all site levels that are connected.







Inductions stored at a Management Portal level allow you to share down to individual, multiple or all site levels at once.

Here's how to share Inductions to individual, multiple or all site levels:

  1. Tick the box next to the Induction/s you would like to share down to individual, multiple or all sites via the Share or Send Icons.  You can select multiple Inductions at a time
    • Share Icon ShareHover - This will make the templates available in the Company Documents section on linked sites
    • Send Icon SignAndShareHover - This will create an Active Document on each of the allocated sites

You can View, Edit, Duplicate and Archive Inductions from the MP Section in Documents

Click here to learn more about Inductions


Checklists stored at a Management Portal level allow you to share down to individual, multiple or all site levels at once. 

Here's how to share Checklists to individual, multiple or all site levels:

  1. Tick the box next to the Checklist you would like to share down to individual, multiple or all sites via the icon-3dot menu to the right of the selected Checklist.  You can select one Checklist at a time.

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  2. Drop down the icon-3dot menu and select Share. A window will pop up allowing you to select individual or all sites to share the Checklist.

    The pop up window will allow to remove site/s sharing for this Checklist.

    If you have already shared to other sites and now are adding a new shared site, do not untick the already selected sites.
  3. Once shared this will make the template available in the Company Templates section on linked sites.
  4. Publish the Checklist via the Preview screen or within the Draft tab via the icon-3dot menu.

Click here to learn more about Checklists


Policies stored at a Management Portal level allow you to share down to individual, multiple or all site levels at once.

How to share Policies to individual, multiple or all site levels:

  1. Tick the box next to the Policy you would like to share down to individual or all sites via the icon-3dot menu to the right of the selected Policy.  You can select one Policy at a time.

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  2. Drop down the icon-3dot menu and select Share.
  3. A window will pop up allowing you to select individual or all sites to share the Policy.
    • The pop up window will allow to also remove site/s sharing for this Policy.
      • If you have already shared to other sites and now are adding a new shared site, do not untick the already selected sites.
  4. Once shared this will make the template available in the Company Templates section on linked sites.
  5. Publish the Policy via the Preview screen or within the Draft tab via the icon-3dot menu.

Click here to learn more about Policies


Procedures stored at a Management Portal level allow you to share down to individual or all site levels at once.

How to share Procedures to individual, multiple or all site levels:

  1. Tick the box next to the Procedure you would like to share down to individual or all sites via the icon-3dot menu to the right of the selected Procedure. You can select one Procedure at a time.

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  2. Drop down the icon-3dot menu and select Share.
  3. A window will pop up allowing you to select individual or all sites to share the Procedure.
    • The pop up window will allow to also remove site/s sharing for this Procedure.
      • If you have already shared to other sites and now are adding a new shared site, do not untick the already selected sites.
  4. Once shared this will make the template available in the Company Templates section on linked sites.
  5. Publish the Procedure via the Preview screen or within the Draft tab via the icon-3dot menu.

Procedures Overview


Only subscriptions with the AgAuditor will have this option showing in their Management Portal.

AgAuditor Overview