Kenny Williams established KNW Safety to assist all different types of business achieving Safety Compliance. Big or small, KNW Safety have the skills and experience to tailor services to align with your needs and requirements.

Kenny has worked in multi-industry backgrounds including, Marine, Agricultural, Civil, Construction and Mining. Growing up in a country mining town, Kenny knows first-hand the different challenges and hurdles faced in these industries today and believe KNW Safety services and expertise can help your business with compliance safely and efficiently. 

Get to know Kenny a little better, keep reading…

1. What is your favourite thing to do when you’re not working? 

I like to unwind and spend time with my family. Either going fishing, camping or quality time at home with my wife and kids.


2. What's your most-used productivity hack?

OneNote! It is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s a great tool for multitasking and scheduling.


3. What’s the most exciting part of your job? 

After working in heavy industry and high risk environments as a Crane Operator, I transitioned into a career in safety as I have a very strong passion for it. I strongly believe in making a difference and contributing to the success of organisations is something I strive for as well as forming and maintaining positive and effective relationships with my clients.


4. What motivates you at work?

When a plan comes together, seeing organisations embrace positive safety cultures and their employees.


5. What’s something you find challenging about your work

I think the most challenging part of any safety role is to win the respect of all of the workers.  Without that respect it can make it difficult to to carry out our task so forming and maintaining relationships is vital.


6. When it comes to health and safety, what do you believe is a priority?

People are a major priority, you can always buy another piece of equipment or vehicle if damaged. Another priority I am really big on is critical risk activities. Most of the time these occur without warning signs or indicators which is why risk assessments, hazard identification and workplace safety are so important.


7. Where do you suggest farmers start when it comes to health and safety?

A good way for any organisation or individual to start is to assess, identify, control and review. These steps are powerful when used correctly. Another one of the most effective ways of establishing what is required, is having a second set of eyes inspect the site. You will be amazed things that they identify that you may have missed because you are so used to looking at it, this then can lead to conversations about the issue, and producing a plan to manage it.

Topics: Find a Consultant


Learn how Kenny's consultancy services assist small to medium businesses develop systems and processes for compliance. Based in Queensland, Australia, find out how he can help your agribusiness succeed at KNW Safety & Training.

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