Did you know that in Australia it is a legal requirement for employers to keep some worker records for up to 7 years? There is a lot of detail that needs to be retained and stored confidentially so we have created a quick checklist of information you are obliged to keep as well as some records that are best practice.

Employment Records you should be keeping

General records

  • Full name
  • Date of Birth
  • Contact details
  • Commencement date
  • Is the employee full time, part time, casual or seasonal?
  • Is the employee permanent or temporary?
  • A copy of the contract offered and a guarantee of annual earnings
  • A record of any flexible work agreements
  • Employment termination, how it was terminated, was notice given and by who if applicable
  • If working with a contractor, a copy of contacts
  • Work Cover Management Plan if applicable
  • Emergency contact details
  • If employing a worker from overseas, a copy of their valid working visa

Pay and hours worked

  • Pay rate
  • Gross and net amounts paid
  • Deductions from the gross amount
  • Pay period and dates of pay
  • Details of any incentive-based payment, bonus, loading, penalty rate, or other monetary allowance or separately identifiable entitlement paid
  • Overtime hours worked by employee including start and finish times
  • Hours of work
  • A written agreement if an employer and employee have agreed to an averaging of the employee’s work hours


  • Leave taken and leave accrued
  • If the employee has agreed to cash out an amount of leave, how much was paid and when payment is made

Superannuation and Tax

  • Amount of superannuation paid and how it was calculated
  • Name of super fund
  • Reason employer paid into chosen super fund
  • Copy of Tax File Number declarations and withholding declarations

Best Practice (not compulsory, but highly recommended)

  • Position description
  • Performance reviews
  • Resume and job application
  • Trade registrations, qualifications, certificates, and licenses
  • Training records

Health records and health action plans

Whilst it is not a requirement for your employee to share details on their health conditions with you as the PCBU, we suggest that as part of your induction process, you ask your employees if they are aware of any pre-existing medical conditions or anything that may affect their ability to safely perform their work. This helps you maintain good records and where needed, be able to implement a tailored and timely health action plan in the event of an emergency.

Our team recommends keeping records of the below information:

  • Has their condition been diagnosed? If so what was the diagnosis?
  • Do they suffer from symptoms? Can they provide a list?
  • Do they require medications or treatment?
  • What restrictions do they have for work, for example, lifting limits, ability to operate equipment etc.?
  • Are there potential complications, for example, if they miss medication?
  • Does their health condition limit their job performance?

If you are interested in more information regarding Worker Health Records and keeping details up to date, we have a great article on agricultural employees and health details you should consider recording in your safety management system.

For a full list of record requirements for employers and employees in Australia you can head to the Fair Work Ombudsman website or Australian Government Business website.

Topics: Safety Management System


Disclaimer: Content on this website may be of relevance to users outside of Australia, but content links and examples are specific to Australia. Please check with your local authority for your country and industry requirements.