Botanix Plant Supply provides trees and shrubs to the biggest players in the industry – delivered via one-on-one, personalised service.

But with two sites spread over 24 acres, this wholesaler needed a safety management system that was as tailored – and accomplished – as they are.

Enter Safe Ag Systems.

By embracing a suite of agribusiness-specific tools on the Safe Ag Systems platform, Botanix clawed back hours of time. And passed a surprise WorkSafe audit with confidence.

The challenge: To bring cohesive control to patchwork processes

Drawn-out reporting procedures. Inefficient communication across sites. And an inventory management system that was tedious at the best of times.

Before switching to Safe Ag Systems, Botanix was managing its OHS and WHS requirements. But not efficiently.

So when Director Carl Soderlund discovered Safe Ag Systems, he knew he’d found a safety management system that was comprehensive and easy to use. But he also knew it would transform workplace culture.

‘Our staff are our most valuable asset,’ explains Carl. ‘So anything I can do to make sure they are kept safe while at work is a priority for me.’

hazardous chemicals - inspections

The execution: Establishing safety (and savings) across Botanix

With the help of our sales and support team, Botanix took a leaf of faith and plunged headfirst into implementing the Safe Ag System across both its Victorian sites.

Intuitive and designed with the end user in mind, the platform was easy to install. And it gave Botanix the tools it needed to claw back untold hours lost to OHS and WHS admin.

Tools like safety checklists, policy and procedure documents, and a simple – yet comprehensive – reporting tool. All accessible from desktop, tablet and mobile.

The team was especially delighted by the inventory management feature. It allowed Botanix to maintain a digital chemical manifest (including SDS information) that was instantly accessible – bringing order and speed to the handling, tracking and usage of chemicals.

At all stages of the journey, Safe Ag Systems was on standby. Ready to jump in and lend a hand.

‘The team at Safe Ag Systems is friendly and responsive,’ Carl enthuses. ‘They’re happy to help answer any questions or provide any information we need.’

The payoff: Demonstrating a practical approach towards compliance

Botanix got the chance to put Safe Ag Systems to the test during a surprise WorkSafe audit.

Even though the program wasn’t fully implemented across the business, Carl was able to easily demonstrate Botanix’s commitment to health and safety. And show auditors the processes and documents they were implementing to improve compliance with OHS and WHS regulations.

‘The inspectors were impressed and very complimentary of the system we’d chosen. Their enthusiasm instantly validated my decision to run with Safe Ag Systems!’

But Botanix has harvested a wealth of practical benefits that go beyond (effortlessly) satisfying WorkSafe audits. Benefits like:

  • Easily reviewing staff inductions, using the worker record feature
  • Instantly accessible reports, generated with the inbuilt reporting function
  • More efficient machinery maintenance, complete with reminders

‘Our machinery maintenance is now easier to track thanks to the addition of QR codes to all machinery,’ explains Carl.

‘By quickly updating engine hours or kilometres on the Safe Ag Systems platform, scheduled inspections are so much more efficient.’

Together, the suite of tools on the Safe Ag Systems platform has helped Botanix reform operations across its two sites – ensuring safety becomes an ingrained part of everyday work.

‘Our staff can now communicate with each other, streamlining processes and distributing information when it’s needed – no matter which site they’re working on.’

Ready to see how Safe Ag Systems can streamline OHS/WHS compliance at your agribusiness? Sign up for a free 7-day trial.

Topics: Safety Management System

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