Safe Ag Systems in partnership with Fonterra and Jersey Australia, recently hit the road for a series of long-awaited events, Safer Farms means Safer Farmers, in rural Victoria. Since planning these dairy discussion groups started back in March 2020, its safe to say there was exciting amongst the dairy industry to get out and about again!

With safety at the forefront of everyone’s minds, the free on-farm event covered the latest health and safety solutions and trends available to those in agriculture, but more specifically how local dairy farmers are integrating these safety solutions in their day-to-day life.

Kirby, Account Manager at Safe Ag Systems states, “We were thrilled to have Jersey Australia partner with us for these discussion groups, offering insight as to how genomics can support OHS around heard management as presented by Bruce Officers of Zeotis”.

Fonterra event - dairy-1

With the support of Jozzy Bevin, Area Manager and Human Resource advisor from the Fonterra Farm Source Team, and Lucy Wilson Webb, Member Services Manager at Jersey Australia, many participants came prepared with a variety of questions related to their workplace safety and what could be done to improve safety on their farms. Discussions also covered a range of topics such as farm hazards, inductions, safe work procedures (SWPs) as well as working in confined spaces when cleaning a vat and when contractors are on farm.

The aim of these events was to provide farmers with enough information that could be taken away and actioned, including:

  • How to manage and mitigate risks on-farm
  • Simple and practical processes that are compliant with the Australian model WHS/OHS laws
  • Hear from industry experts on how others are using digital record keeping to stay on top of their compliance obligations Fonterra event - client

Consensus amongst the discussion groups was that farmers are aware of their legal obligations. These farmers also noted that they are now ready and willing to make the health and safety changes required in their workplace to assist their safety culture.

To register your interest in upcoming events with Safe Ag Systems reach out to our team at kirby@safeagsystems.com

See you on the road again soon!


Meet Jocelyn Bevin from Fonterra Farm Source

Meet Jocelyn Bevin an Area Manager and Human Resource advisor at Fonterra. Jozzy as she is known amongst the industry, offers over 20 years’ worth of experience and knowledge. Based in Naroghid, Western Victoria, Jozzy and husband Stuart have progressed from share farmers to dairy farm owners. Growing up with uncles who were dairy farmers, and owning her own dairy farm, Jozzy understands the importance of good health and safety practices.

Jozzy Bevin

Meet Kirby Richmond-Davis, Account Manager at Safe Ag Systems

With over six years of knowledge in the safety industry, five of those specifically in Ag safety, Kirby has experienced first-hand the challenges that the agricultural industry faces growing up on the family farm in Wimmera region. Wanting to help enhance the progress of the industry’s attitude towards safety culture, Kirby is here to help educate and drive real change in her community and across the country.



Topics: Health and Safety in Dairy Farming 

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