Cotton Australia - Implementation Support

The following guide is provided to support Cotton Australia members to meet the myBMP WHS certification requirements.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

To setup your Safe Ag Systems Software use the 10 Step Implementation Guide which will step you through each section of the program. Below is a list of functionality and documents we would suggest using as a minimum. Included are links to pages explaining how this functionality works.

If you require assistance at any time contact the Safe Ag Systems Support Team on:

Functionality and Documents to Support myBMP Certification

Breakdown of myBMP requirements vs Safe Ag Systems functionality

Functionality and Documents to Support myBMP Certification:

  • Set up your Business Details
  • Map your location(s) and hazards or items
  • Run risk assessments on hazards
  • Setup an Emergency Management Plan
  • Utilise the Near Miss and Incident functionality to record and investigate these events
  • Add your workers and add training records
  • Add your machines into Inventory
  • Set up a chemical register
  • Use the following policies templates to create policies for your business:
    • Work Health and Safety Policy
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Noise Management Policy
    • Working Outdoors or in Remote Locations Policy
    • Manual Handling Policy
    • Working in Confined Spaces Policy
    • Working at Heights Policy
    • Operating Machinery and Equipment Policy
    • Chemicals and Managing Chemical Spills Policy
    • Electrical Safety Policy
    • Chain of Responsibility (CoR) policies - use those that are relevant to your business from the following list:
      • CoR for Business Owner Operator Policy
      • CoR for Primary Procedures consigning to a contractor
      • CoR for Transport Companies Policy
    • Asbestos Policy (if applicable)
    • Bullying, Harassment (including Sexual Harassment) and Anti-Discrimination Policy
    • Injury Management Policy
  • Get your workers to read and accept the above policies or you can attach them to an induction (see below).
  • Use the General Work Health and Safety Induction template to build an induction for your workers.
  • Get your workers to complete an induction.
  • Use the General Contractor Induction template to build an induction for your contractors.
  • Get your contractors to complete an induction when they visit your business. For Professional subscribers this can be done using QR code access.
  • Use the following Procedure templates to create Safe Work Procedures (SWP) for your machinery and processes (you can review the template library to identify others applicable to your business over time). Attached the relevant procedures to your inventory and get your workers to read and accept them.
    • Chemical Shed - SWP
    • Chemical Mixing and Application - SWP
    • Tractor - SWP
    • Forklift - SWP
    • Telescopic Handler (Telehandler) - SWP
    • Machinery and Equipment - SWP
    • Cotton Harvester - SWP
  • Use the following checklist templates to create checklists. Use the Toolbox Talk checklist to run WHS discussions with your workers. Use the Inspection templates to support your review of WHS facilities, First Aid and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provisions and identify areas requiring improvement. 
    • Toolbox Talk
    • Structures: Farm Office Inspection
    • First Aid and Emergency Instructions: First Aid Inspection
    • Hazards and Risks: Personal Protective Equipment Inspection

Breakdown of myBMP requirements vs Safe Ag Systems Functionality

The table below provides a breakdown of the WHS requirements listed in Cotton Australia myBMP and the corresponding Safe Ag Systems functionality or documentation that can support with compliance.

myBMP Level

myBMP Requirement

Safe Ag Systems Functionality

A commitment to work health and safety is shown
1 Everyone is aware of the responsibility (duty of care) to make sure that they and other people are safe in the workplace

Get employees to complete an induction (Documents and Files > Inductions > General Work Health and Safety Induction)

Get contractors to complete an induction (Documents and Files > Inductions > General Contractor Induction)

2 A work health and safety policy demonstrates a commitment to WHS Documents and Files > Policies > Work Health and Safety Policy
Consultation occurs about work health and safety
1 There is a duty to consult and share safety information with workers and others likely to be affected by a workplace health and safety matter Implement a monthly 'Toolbox' talk - use the Toolbox Talk checklist to record 
Employers must manage and control hazards and risks in the workplace
1 Workplace hazards and workplace situations that may cause a risk are identified Map your locations and add in hazards
1 The risk and hazards in the workplace are assessed to create and implement appropriate control measures using the hierarchy of control measures and are reviewed regularly Use the Risks Assessment function to assess and control hazards
1 Codes of Practice are the minimum standard of achieving the required work health and safety outcomes Safe Ag Systems utilises WHS Codes of Practice to provide content in the system reflecting best practice
A safe working environment is provided
1 The business provides and maintains adequate general workplace facilities Documents and Files > Checklist > Farm Office Inspection
1 All workplaces must provide first aid equipment, facilities and trained first aiders Documents and Files > Checklists > First Aid and Emergency Instructions: First Aid Inspection
1 All workplaces must prepare, maintain and implement an emergency plan Safety Manager > Emergency Management - complete all four tabs for each of your mapped locations. 
1 Personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided to workers Documents and Files > Policies > Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Noise Management Policy
Documents and Files > Checklists > Hazards and Risks: Personal Protective Equipment Inspection
1 A process is in place to manage risks to the health and safety of a worker associated with remote or isolated work Documents and Files > Policies > Working Outdoors or in Remote Locations Policy
1 A process is in place to manage the risk of hearing loss from noise Documents and Files > Policies > Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Noise Management Policy
1 A process is in place to manage the risks of Hazardous Manual Tasks Documents and Files > Policies > Manual Handling Policy
1 A process is in place to manage confined spaces as a high-risk activity Documents and Files > Policies > Working in Confined Spaces Policy
1 A process is in place to manage the risk of falls in the workplace Documents and Files > Policies > Working at Heights Policy
1 A process is in place to manage the risks from plant (machinery and equipment) Documents and Files > Policies > Operating Machinery and Equipment Policy
1 A process is in place to manage the risk of hazardous chemicals Implement a Chemical Register (Inventory > Chemicals)
Documents and Files > Policies > Chemicals and Managing Chemical Spills Policy
Documents and Files > Procedures > Chemical Shed SWP
Documents and Files > Procedures > Chemical Mixing and Application SWP
1 A process is in place to manage the risks associated with electrical safety Documents and Files > Policies > Electrical Safety Policy
1 Understand responsibilities under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Chain of Responsibility (CoR) Documents and Files > Policies > (Utilise policy applicable):
- CoR for Business Owner Operator Policy
- CoR for Primary Procedures consigning to a contractor
- CoR for Transport Companies Policy
1 A process is in place to manage the risks associated with asbestos in the workplace Documents and Files > Policies > Asbestos Policy
1 A process is in place to manage bullying in the workplace Documents and Files > Policies > Bullying, Harassment (including Sexual Harassment) and Anti-Discrimination Policy
Workers are capable of performing their job safely
1 An induction is provided to all workers.  A record is kept Get employees to complete an induction (Documents and Files > Inductions > General Work Health and Safety Induction)
1 Train all workers for their specific tasks and provide supervision and ongoing training Record training against each worker
People > Management People > User > Training Records
1 All workers who operate high risk plant have valid High Risk Work Licences Record licences against each worker
People > Management People > User > Training Records
A system is in place for reporting safety  
1 A procedure is in place for workers to report injuries Safety Manager > Near Miss and Incident
1 Notifiable incidents and dangerous incidents are reported to the regulator  
A system is in place for workers compensation and return to work
1 The business has a current Workers Compensation Policy that reflects the current workplace Documents and Files > Policies > Injury Management and Rehabilitation Policy
1 The business participates in the Return to Work (RTW) of workers Documents and Files > Policies > Injury Management and Rehabilitation Policy

Useful Links:

10 Simple Steps to Set Up Your Safe Ag Systems Software

Safe Ag Systems Webinar Series

Safe Ag Systems How To Series